Friday, October 29, 2010

Memories ~ @Αναμνήσεις@~

Miles apart, now we are;
old days are distant from when we are.
Life is different, no matter where we are;
memories are still fresh though they are far.

...Look upon those memories we have;
they are the only things that we all share.
Read upon those comments we left;
those are the connections that we will always have ~


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Knowing Thyself ? or Not Knowing It?

Humming, the blowing wind;
clicking, my typing keys.
Wondering, my wandering mind;
where is it leading me to?

Two months in a foreign land,
excited I was in the first few weeks.
Still excited nowadays, yes I am;
but, in a total different way.

Reality strikes me unexpectedly hard,
as time has diluted my initial freshness.
As if my life has just begun,
as I realize that I know nothing about thyself.

Yes, for twenty one years I thought I know a man,
yet, he is now a total stranger to me.
A man who understand nothing;
but knowing that he understands nil.

Feel the chill and sing to the rhyme,
being lost in the world of Auld Lang Syne.
Come, come, my dear stranger,
let's introduce to one another again.

Oh, wordless thought running in my mind,
everything I learned was left behind.
To you my friend, I write these words;
and meet each other again.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

~ Responsibility~ ευθύνη

is both hurtful for others and ourselves.

For so many years,
we blame our parents, our teachers, our siblings, our relatives and our friends.

And most of all,
we also blame the environment, the school, the politicians, the terrorists and the government.

do we ever blame ourselves?

"Yes, we do", many will reply;
yet, how frequent do we do that comparing to blaming others?

I have read a book,
which taught me to only blame myself.

Actually, rather than blaming myself,
I know it means take 100% responsibility of my life.

I knew this a year ago,
but I still have not mastered the true art of responsibilities.

From now on,
'blame' shall be erased from my permanent memory.

With this,
no one can affect my life but only myself.

100% Full Responsibility!
Can you do it? Well, I Must!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Just Words ~

Days going on like normal,
May's already gone by the calender;
my mind's still wondering on the canal
which leads to the spirit tunnel.

I am not sure what am I doin'
for I am a bit lost right now.
Hoping to see the little twilight,
even it's fully surrounded by the darkness.

No ticking sound from the analogue clock on my dashboard,
but only my typing noise and the buzzing of the air-conditioner.
Trying my best to express my immediate feelings now
but to no avail.

Lots had happened in this recent months,
and lots to expect for the next.
There's still a little more to do,
yet it feels like pinnacles to climb.

At times, I doubted myself,
if I really deserves what I am getting.
My self-esteem's reach its edge,
a bridge must be built for its crossing.

Faith is the thing that I need,
and zeal is what I must have.
Only if I can hang on and proceed,
then there will be no regret left.

I know poems always have rhymes,
but i am not even trying to rhyme my words,
as I know that many times,
I am just writing words...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

έμπνευση ~ inspiration

Days passed by,
deadline nearby,
oh, ideas please come by,
before Chance say bye bye.

Life before me,
the times I need to read,
for my goals are there,
which write me the destiny.

Perhaps, my mind is twisted,
because of the useless tempted;
I have to be strong and still,
to avoid my heart to be killed.

Many have asked me,
why do I choose this route;
like a feather in the endless sea,
where is the destination I cannot see.

Passion is the answer I have,
which many would say I am mad,
despite the past i have had,
waste no life with what is left.

Oh, mighty God, Universe or who ever You might be,
the strength and the inspiration is what i need,
to spell out the essence of my life goal,
and to let others inspired of what's in me.

Friday, April 23, 2010


为了寻找回从前的自己,前几天,我从 Perlis 去到 Jitra,Kedah 小住几天。

不到两个小时,我到达了Alor Setar。站在陌生又有一点熟悉的车站上,我毫无方向的到处乱走,问一问路人 Alor Setar 的购物广场在哪里。我完全没有头绪要到哪里去散撒心,找回写作的灵感。过了整半个小时,我才决定到 Show Parade 去走走。

我搭上那我已久未搭的”热“巴士。由于没有空调,我只好向自己说:“算了,正所谓心静自然凉。”就这样,我呆在着酷热巴士大约15分钟才抵达目的地。在那陌生的 Show Parade 广场,我只有走马看花的把整个广场都逛了一逛。然后,就在一间保龄球场旁的一家咖啡店休息,上网。当时的我,心情无法定下来,面对着奖学金的作文题发呆,脑袋空荡荡的。为了培养我写作的心情,我只好上网看看别人的文章,同时也找回自己写作的感觉回来。待着待着,我不知不觉呆了两个小时。由于我的电脑累了,但那里有没有插头让他补充精力。我只好收拾东西,往别的地方去。

如此这般的循环一直不断的发生,不断的重复。。。 在 Jitra 也一样,只是咖啡店的地点和名字改罢了。除了我能在 Aneka 的 New Town‘s Cafe 里呆上整天,我其余的动作都没有改变。无非是为了写作文罢了,还要弄到别个州去,当真是大惊小怪,小题大做。但,这就是我,陈冠廷。

曾经有位老友笑我说:”哎,写作那么麻烦,干脆别再浪费时间啦!你又不是要去当作家,靠笔等饭吃。“ 当然,如果我没有申请美国大学的话,很有可能我连写几行字都懒惰。我不是在讲平时随便乱写乱画的日记哦!因为,申请美国大学的文章都必须要有内涵,也要老老实实地把自己的经历都一一写在纸上(或打进电脑里)。就好像我现在写的部落格,我笔写我口,我口说我心。这句话是我从刘墉老师的《世说心语3之成功学习法》所学到的写作精华。


罢了。。。 累了。。。 够了。。。

哎。。。 !当真都在胡说八道啊!呵呵呵!